VKPP Latest News
📆 Tuesday 24th September 11:00-12.30.
Led by the VKPP and the College of Policing, the online session will provide an introduction to Vulnerability in Analysis for police analysts and researchers.
On 1 July, Assistant Chief Constable Becky Riggs became the National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation, taking over from Ian Critchley QPM who has a new role with the College of Policing.
Victims and Survivors at the heart of Child Sexual Exploitation Taskforce as Home Secretary marks 12 months of ground-breaking work.
Ian Critchley QPM, National Policing Lead for Child Protection, responds to Ofcom online safety proposals.
The new edition of the VKPP Bulletin - March 2024 is out today, designed to keep policing, stakeholders and partners up to date with our work.