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Practice Community and Practice Mapping

Practice Mapping

As part of the VKPP’s mission we work collaboratively with both internal and with external stakeholders to understand and map the current picture, interventions and strategic approaches used to address vulnerability nationally.

We promote evidence-based responses in our practice mapping and work to co-ordinate and share knowledge and promising practice insights.

VKPP has facilitated two ‘calls for practice’ to collate promising police practice aimed at addressing vulnerability, resulting in nearly 300 submissions from police and partners. . The practice received from forces has been shared via our Knowledge Hub platform as well as being showcased in regional learning events to police.

To help build an evidence-informed understanding of ‘what works’ when responding to vulnerability, the VKPP works in collaboration with the College of Policing and a number of universities to evaluate some of the most promising submissions.

The VKPP hopes to continue to collate promising practice through further calls for practice, looking to specifically target threats and interventions which have been under-represented in previous calls for practice. We will also gather examples of promising practice through our force SPOC network and peer review work.

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Phil Ashford, Senior Practice Manager at the VKPP, describes the Practice Mapping workstream

Victims' Voice, including those of children - Call for Practice

The VKPP is asking forces to contribute to our current call for practice, with a focus on police initiatives that support the consideration of victims’ voices, including those of children, both within the criminal justice system and in force strategic and policy development.

 All examples for this current call for practice should be submitted via the College of Policing’s online form. This will hopefully allow a smoother process and will also support enhanced practice sharing between forces with submissions being promoted on the College of Policing’s new practice sharing website, due for launch in December.

The submission form can be accessed here: practice sharing form If you’d like to discuss the call for practice or access support please contact Phil Ashford, VKPP Senior Project Manager –

Read Victims' Voice Call for Practice Guidance notes

Violence Against Women & Girls Call for Practice

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) has been chosen as the focus of a ‘call for practice’ due to the critical nature of the policing response to violence against women. This priority has been further highlighted by the thematic HMICFRS inspection, the cross-Government rape review, reports of abuse in education through the Everyone’s Invited website testimonies and several high-profile cases.

This national call for practice will gather promising practice and approaches to tackling VAWG, improve shared learning, develop our collective understanding of what works and drive practice improvement.

VKPP will look to collate any type of intervention or practice which seeks to address VAWG, including early intervention; prevention and disruption activity; approaches to information sharing and analysis; policing and partnership approaches at all geographic levels.

This VAWG focus will provide forces with a broad spectrum of practice to consider submitting, addressing the following crimes:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Stalking and harassment*
  • Adult sex offences*
  • Harmful practices, including ‘so-called Honour-Based Abuse’ (HBA), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage* (FM)
  • Child sexual abuse and exploitation

* Thematic gap in previous national call for practice exercises