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NVAP Impact

The VKPP is supporting police forces in their understanding and consequent implementation of the NVAP. This includes how to measure the impact of the NVAP work that they are doing to improve police practice.

To support the development of this work, the VKPP are undertaking the following:

  • Scoping and researching available evidence on ‘what good looks like’
  • Focus groups with forces and stakeholders to explore potential activities, outputs, impacts and measures
  • Reviewing the insight from the national NVAP benchmarking exercise 2021
  • Exploring synergy and alignment with other local policing plans, national data collection processes and inspection frameworks

From this, the NVAP impact team are developing Action Impact Toolkits to sit alongside the NVAP as an evidence base for each action.

The aim of the toolkits is to help forces measure and track the impact of fully embedding an NVAP action within their force. This is done by providing suggested steps in the form evidence-based activities and their expected outputs, the intended organisational and external impact of each action, and ways in which to measure these.

There are four elements of the toolkits:

  • Impact Statement - Headline information summarised from the logic model and supporting information. This sheet is provided for those who only require an overview of the toolkit.
  • Logic Model - Suggested actions, outputs, impacts and measures for each objective within an action. Forces have flexibility in the actions and subsequent measures they use as each force will have a different pathway to good. The logic models explore the unintended consequences of implementing the actions to help mitigate risk.
  • Supporting Information – Additional information, evidence, and key resources. This sheet provides the evidence base behind the activities within the logic model and identifies the policing perennial issues linked to the action.
  • Impact Realisation Plan - this part of the toolkit has been designed to help forces identify and prioritise which elements of the logic model they would like to focus on, what they will do to put the activity in place and to consider how they might want to measure the impact. It is not expected that forces implement all the suggested activities at once.

In the meantime, a set of key Interim Measures have now been added to the NVAP to support forces in tracking, monitoring and measuring the impact of their actions across vulnerability.

NVAP with Interim Measures 2023

Where toolkits have been developed, they will be linked to from this document.

Currently, the team is working on developing the toolkits for actions 2.1.3 Access to Services and 2.2.1 Appropriate Action.

Toolkits for actions 2.1.1 Recognition and Response, 2.1.2 Mental Health, 2.6.1 Multi Agency Hubs, 2.6.2 Officer/Staff Norms and 2.6.3 Recruitment and Retention have already been completed and can be accessed below.

NVAP Recognition and Response - Action Impact Toolkit

NVAP  Multi Agency Hubs - Action Impact Toolkit

NVAP Officer/Staff Norms  - Action Impact Toolkit

NVAP Recruitment and Retention - Action Impact Toolkit

 NVAP Mental Health - Action Impact Toolkit