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NVAP Benchmarking

The National Vulnerability Action Plan (NVAP) benchmarking is an opportunity for forces to self-assess themselves against each action and objective within the plan. This enables the VKPP to establish a national baseline for each action in terms of implementation and associated impact. It also enables the VKPP to extract a wide variety of promising practice to share with each force to support local implementation. At a local level, the self-assessment process enables forces to understand strengths, promising practice, gaps and recommended priority areas.

The first NVAP benchmarking was undertaken in 2019. Following the launch of the refreshed NVAP in 2021, the VKPP committed to running a second national benchmarking exercise to continue to build on this work. The VKPP received responses from 43 of 44 forces nationally which were reviewed and analysed. Each force has now received a bespoke feedback report which contains a summary of both promising practice and apparent gaps to consider, quantitative analysis of the self-assessment scales and the national picture against each action. Although the submitted returns only provide a summary of the overall delivery and capture a snapshot in time, they are a key baseline in understanding forces’ adoption and implementation of the NVAP

A large amount of promising practice across the actions was extracted and is available to access on the VKPP Knowledge Hub page or directly through the VKPP Single Point of Contact (SPOCs) assigned to each force. The SPOCs are on hand to support with implementing any planned learning locally as well as signposting and co-ordinating with other forces delivering promising practice.

From the analysis, the VKPP plan to progress work on national gaps reported via their primary research and impact work streams, regional and national campaigns and the developing peer review offer to forces.