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New VKPP Data Insights Team in partnership with The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

The VKPP is working in a new partnership with the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (CSPRP) and has formed the CSPRP Data Insights Team, hosted by the VKPP.  

 The CSPRP is an independent panel that commissions reviews of serious child safeguarding cases, when a child dies or has been seriously harmed and abuse or neglect is known or suspected. The aim of the Panel is to improve learning, professional practice and outcomes for children.

The collection and analysis of data and insight from serious incident notifications, rapid reviews and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews is key in identifying systemic national issues, encouraging local learning and to drive long term improvements within the safeguarding system; bringing about better outcomes for children and young people experiencing serious harm and abuse.

Improved data and insight can aid decision-making and policy development in child protection as well as informing front-line practice. The Data Insights Team, comprising VKPP skilled analysts and researchers, will work collaboratively with the CSPRP and safeguarding partnerships to ensure that the data and insights we generate are proactively fed back into the wider system, to support both strategic and operational practice.

Gareth Edwards, Director of the VKPP said: “ The Vulnerability Knowledge Practice Programme (VKPP) seek to bring research evidence and practice insight together to effect positive changes to practice for those most in need. Key activities undertaken by the programme include national work to enable child safeguarding partnerships to flourish and drawing out learning from reviews of death and serious harm to enable targeted practice development.  We are excited about our new partnership with the national child safeguarding panel with whom we share a similar mission and the creation of the CSPRP Data Insights team.”

Annie Hudson, Chair of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel said: “Ensuring we have accurate and timely data is crucial to our shared ability to extract and analyse learning from serious safeguarding incidents. That’s why we are very pleased that we are now in partnership with the Vulnerability, Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) to create the new CSPRP Data Insights Team, hosted by the VKPP. This partnership will allow us to conduct better and faster analysis of the data from reviews, which in turn will allow us to think more strategically about how to use data most effectively to drive long-term change in policy and practice to safeguard children.”

 To learn more about the work of the Panel please visit